Jeremy Krauss Approach (JKA) for children.
The Jeremy Krauss Approach was developed by Jeremy Krauss and is a unique way of helping Special Needs Children learn, grow and develop. It is an Educational approach based on the work of Dr. Feldenkrais.
The primary focus is on helping Special Needs Children develop their potential and abilities - physically, mentally and emotionally.
It supports a child to learn, change and overcome developmental challenges of various kinds through a process of:
Progressive Developmental Abilities Formation
for more information go to :
Steve Cheslett-Davey is a JKA practitioner/therapist having succesfully completed the year long practitioner training programme with Jeremy Krauss in Tegernsee, Germany 2016-17.
If you interested in booking a lesson for your child then please contact Steve by email or on 07854 645836.
If you do not live locally then its possible to book a series of intensive lessons – up to two a day for a week or over a weekend. This is often a great way of working with a child.
Alternatively there maybe opportunities for home visits or the running of clinics further afield.
Initial home visit/clinic appointments last approximately 1 hour and cost £60.00 ( additional costs for travel if out of area)
Followup/ongoing lessons are approximately 35-40 minutes long and cost £45.00 per lesson.