Sounder Sleep News ; January 2025.
- New introductory series of 6 weekly on-line Sounder Sleep classes commence Thursday 30th January 2025 at 18.30. For further details/booking go here.
'Learn practical strategies to give you the sleep you need'
The Sounder Sleep System® is an application of the Feldenkrais Method® and comprises gentle breathing and movement techniques called DayTamers and NightTamers. I teach you to practice DayTamers during the day to reduce stress, making your day calmer, so that your night-time sleep is more pleasurable. If, for whatever reason, you wake during the night, the NightTamers can get you back to sleep almost instantly.
The Sounder Sleep System is a holistic, non-pharmaceutical approach to learning to sleep. It draws its practices from the Feldenkrais Method, and various meditation modalities and the latest neuroscience research. It works by reducing the hyperactivity of the nervous system with small movement exercises that you do during the day so that your night is peaceful and calm.
The overall effect of completing a Sounder Sleep System course is that you will have learnt to be calm and much better able to deal with stress during the day, as well as getting a good night’s sleep.
Steve Cheslett-Davey completed his training as a Sounder Sleep System teacher in 2012 with Michael Krugman, Feldenkrais practitioner , sleep specialist and the originator of the Sounder Sleep System.
Go to my blog article here on Feldenkrais and Sounder Sleep.
Steve can work on a one to one "sleep coach " basis or come along to one of his Sounder Sleep workshops or classes.
"I’ve done a Sounder Sleep workshop with Steve and highly recommend the practise if you struggle with sleep and anxiety. It’s transformed my sleep patterns and I don’t get stressed out now when I’m wide awake at 3am !" Mags Yoga Teacher UK
"I came to the Sounder Sleep workshop on Saturday and wanted to say how much I enjoyed it and how well I slept on Saturday night! I spoke to my son on the phone on Sunday and he said I sounded like a different person. On Sunday I practised what you'd shown us several times through the day and, again, slept soundly for 9 hours. So thank you for a nicely paced day , no pressure, and excellent results".
"Overall I’m sleeping better than before I did the series so that’s a win for me.
I appreciated the clarity you brought to the course, and the obvious care that has gone in to the online backup for the lessons.
I enjoyed the simplicity of the structures, the focus on awareness, the continuous invitations to do less, the reminders to return to sensation when thoughts wandered, and the effectiveness of the exercises in bringing me a depth of relaxation and sweetness of sensation.
I am a regular Vipassana meditator and so the focus on the minute subtleties of sensation suited me very well" Sharron : Sounder Sleep Series 1 Student August 2020.